Make Now, Bake Later Scones

Scones were one of the first items on the menu when I opened Café 222 in 1992. My version could actually be called a “sweet biscuit,” as it is a bit lighter than a traditional English scone. Here, I have substituted buttermilk for cream to give them a flakey, rather than creamy crumb. I also add an egg; which will prably have any proper hat-wearing, tea sipping English lady dropping her jaw (and her teacup) right about now.
This recipe can be doubled or tripled depending on how many scones you have room for in your freezer. This method of freezing them worked at the café because I would make them in big batches and the bakers would pull them out of the freezer and make them fresh daily as needed. This is also how many production bakeries keep ahead of the demand.
The key to this recipe is that they bake better from frozen than they do from fresh. The butter melts from its ice-cold state and creates steam which lifts and creates pockets and layers during the baking process. Makes for one flakey, sweet biscuit.
Buttery Scones with Dried Blueberries and Lemon Zest
Aka Sweet Biscuits
2 ½ Cups All-Purpose Flour
½ Cup Granulated Sugar
1 TBS Baking Powder
¾ tsp salt
1 TBS Grated Lemon or Orange Zest
1 ½ Sticks Good-Quality Butter well-chilled or Frozen, cut into cubes
¾ Cup Buttermilk
1 Large Egg
½ Cup Dried Blueberries
Sanding Sugar for dusting.
Place all dry ingredients, including zest into a large bowl.
Whisk to combine well.
Using a pastry blender or your fingers combine butter with the dry ingredients until the mixture resembles the texture of dry oatmeal.
In a small bowl combine the buttermilk and egg and then slowly add all but 1-2 TBS to dry mixture. Use the excess only if you need it to hold the dough together.
Gently fold in dried blueberries. (Or chocolate chips, currents or nut of your choice.)
Turn the dough onto a floured surface, dust hands with flour and gently work the dough just enough that it stays together. Gently shape into a round disk approximately 1 inch thick.
Cut into 6 or 8 equal triangles and place scones on a baking sheet lined with parchment, cover with plastic wrap and place in freezer for at least an hour, two preferably. Once fully frozen you can place them in airtight freezer bags and store for up to a month.
To Bake:
Preheat oven to 400-degrees.
Bring desired number of scones out of the freezer and place on a lightly greased baking sheet about 2 inches apart. Do not allow them to thaw.
Brush the tops with a little full fat milk or cream and generously sprinkle with sanding sugar.
Bake until golden brown, about 15-18 minutes.
Serve warm with butter and your favorite jam.